Legal Notices

This website is copyright (c) 2018 Insight Group Holdings Limited.

Insight Group Holdings Limited, trading as Insight Group, is incorporated in Jersey with register number 124409. Statutory documents may be inspected at our registered office. for further information please e-mail [email protected].

HR Nectar Limited is incorporated in Jersey with register number 124408.

Insight Limited, trading as, Human Results and, is incorporated in Jersey with register number 123656.

ValueMetrix Limited is incorporated in Jersey with register number 135856.

The Jersey Good Business Charter is a company limited by guarantee and incorporated in Jersey with register number 125224. The Guarantor is Insight Group Holdings Limited.

HR Nectar Ltd is a joint venture between Insight Group Holdings Limited, ALX Group Limited and Sweetie Jar Holdings Limited.

ValueMetrix Ltd is a joint venture between Insight Group Holdings Limited and Mr Paul Milbank.

Insight is licensed to provide management consultancy, including human resources advice, in Jersey with licence number 131777.

Notices may be addressed to The Directors, Insight Group Holdings Limited, PO Box 224, JERSEY. JE4 9SN

​, Human Results,, HR Nectar, ValueMetrix, The Jersey Good Business Charter, HR Insight, Partnership Insight, Performance Insight, Development Insight, Strategic Insight, Partnership Advantage, HR Advantage, Performance Advantage, LifeMap and Getting Better are brands of Insight Group Holdings Ltd.

​Effective Selection Interviewing for Law Firms is (c) 2010 Simon Nash.

Insight Group companies are insured by Incepta PII with policy number PI17F779324.For further information please e-mail [email protected].

Insight Limited holds comprehensive Public Liability and Employers Liability Insurance. For further information please e-mail [email protected].

​All images used on this website are the property of the person depicted upon them and may be removed or attributed on request.

Insight Group Holdings Limited is registered as a Data Controller with the Office of the Information Commissioner under the Data Protection (Jersey) Law (2018) with notification number 576940. ​Data is held subject to our Information Security Policy. If you think you may be a data subject and you would like to discuss the data we hold about you then please e-mail [email protected].

HR Nectar is registered as a Data Processor with the Office of the Information Commissioner under the Data Protection (Jersey) Law (2018). Data sharing agreements exist between Group entities, but the personal data of the employees of HR Nectar is not accessible to the Directors of HR Nectar, nor to other Group entities.